- gangdong-gu
- 江: river
- 首: head
- 江: 名词1.(大河) (large) river 在江心 in the middle of a river; 鸭绿江上有一座钢铁大桥。 a steel railway bridge spans the yalu river.2.(指长江) the changjiang [yangtze] river 大江东去。 eastward flows the changjiang river.3.(姓氏) a surname 江永 jiang yong
- 江 (): han river (korea)
- 首: Ⅰ名词1.(头) head 昂首 hold one's head high; 搔首 scratch one's head2.(首领) leader; head; chief 匪首 bandit chieftain; 祸首 chief culprit; 为首 with sb. as the leader3.(表示方位) aspect 下首 right-hand seat; 左首 left-hand side4.(姓氏) a surname 首仪 shou yiⅡ动词(出头告发) bring charges against sb.: 出首 inform against sb.Ⅲ形容词1.(第一; 首先) first 首批 the first batch; 首义 be the first to rise in revolt2.(最高的) highest; supreme 首脑 head; 首席 chiefⅣ量词(用于诗歌): 《唐诗三百首》 《300 tang poems》; 一首歌 a song
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